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Understand SPE configuration

…# The value specifies the maximum number of archived log files. If the number is exceeded, # archived log files are deleted, starting with the oldest. # server.logging.file.purge_count = 5 The following directive is important mainly for tuning and initiation of the SPE. Turn it on when the system is prepared to go live. # Use separate thread for logging….

Releases and Changelogs (Browser)

…SPE starts (the –spe-output parameter is not needed anymore and is ignored) Improved: SPE debug output is now configurable in the Settings dialog and is enabled by default (the –spe-debug parameter is ignored) Improved: Quick Setup Guide is now displayed automatically when Browser is run for the first time (the –guide parameter is ignored) Fixed: Quick Setup Guide dialog items…

STT: How to properly convert Confusion Network results to One-best

…each alternative, amend its end time to match start time of following alternative   Alternatively, the second step can be done right away when building the result: loop through all CN timeslots from start to end in each timeslot, get the input alternative with highest score and if it’s not <null/> or _DELETE_ set the end time of last alternative…

Understand SPE processing priority

…enabled in SPE configuration file (enabled by default, see server.task_priorities_enable option) and default priority value set the prioritize role enabled for SPE user creating the processing task If prioritization is enabled and processing task is started by a user without the “prioritize” role, task is started with default priority. Task priority is defined by a number from (highest priority) to…


…query “format=json/xml” If the format is not defined (or the HTTP header “Accept” parameter has one of these values: application/*,*/*,*), server will return json. in FAQ Speech Platform Permalink Q: I am getting SPE related error after starting the Browser (e.g. SPE server crashed, Error Downloading…, unable to connect to the SPE server, unable to start the localhost…) A: Windows:…

FAQs (Browser)

…unable to connect to the SPE server, unable to start the localhost…) A: Windows: Open terminal in folder where PhxBrowser.exe is located (hold Shift and click right mouse button in free space in windows explorer and select “open command window here”) Run PhxBrowser software with command: PhxBrowser.exe /spe-debug /spe-output PhxBrowser software will start with “SPE output” tab which shows the…

Keyword Spotting (KWS)

…more keywords and optional threshold value and/or pronunciation variants of the keyword. The number of keywords and pronunciations is not limited. – to clarify this statement: The performance drop affects only processing using keyword lists without explicitly defined pronunciations. In such cases, the technology must create pronunciations internally in the background before starting the processing (see Pronunciations section below), which…

STT: What is Preferred Phrases feature and how to use it

…from the preferred phrases and interpolate it in realtime with the generic language model: P(word|history) = Pgeneric(word|history) + αPpreferred(word|history) The preferred words and phrases are favored, while retaining the existing accuracy on common text. Preferred phrases in Speech Engine Use POST /technologies/stt or POST /technologies/stt/input_stream call to start transcription with a list of preferred phrases. To be precise, these actually…

Understand SPE directory structure

…depths are limited for better readability): home └── admin └── data ├── lid │ └── languagepack │ └── L4 └── sid └── model ├── David └── Paul home directory can also optionally contain a phxserver.sqlite file. This is a main SPE database file when SPE is started by Phonexia Browser in so-called “embedded” mode. Refer to Phonexia Browser manual for…

Understand SPE executable files

…(in octal format, e.g. 027) pidfile=<path> – Write the application’s process ID (PID) to the specified file Windows-specific registerService – Register the application as Windows service displayName=<text> – Specify service friendly name (valid only with registerService) description=<text> – Specify service description (valid only with registerService) startup=automatic|manual – Specify service startup mode (valid only with registerService) unregisterService – Unregister the previously…

STT: Adding words to language model on the fly

…i.e. you can specify only preferred phrases, or only add words to dictionary, or use both features at the same time. Example of input for starting transcription, specifying two preferred phrases and two words to be added (one with explicitly specified pronunciation): { “preferred_phrases”: { “phrases”: [ { “phrase”: “this is preferred phrase” }, { “phrase”: “some other phrase” },…

Phonexia Speech Engine

…providers via simple plugin-like connectors interface Flexible integration SPE can provide results in JSON or XML format. Result can be obtained by polling, via websockets, or via webhooks (callbacks). Status information SPE can provide various status information to the application layer, e.g. license status, configuration info, current overall load, pending operations status, … Quick start The following tutorial describes the…

Speech to Text (STT)

…including discriminative training and neural network-based features Output One-best transcription – i.e. a file with a time-aligned speech transcript (time of word’s start and end) Variants for transcriptions – i.e. hypotheses for words at each moment (confusion network) or hypotheses for utterances at each slot (n-best transcription) Processing speed – several versions available: from 8x faster than real-time processing on…

Q: I can’t manage to run Phonexia Browser software. I always get an error.

I always get the same error messages: unable to connect to the SPE unable to start the localhost: giving up and kill the localhost. A: This error may happen if the initialization of SPE engine takes too long. Phonexia Browser software treats it as initialization failure and kills the server. You can fix this by doing the following: Increase timeout…

Download Speech Platform

…XL5 Diarization (DIAR) – model XL4 Language Identification (LID) – model L4 Gender Identification (GID) – model XL5 Age Estimation (AGE) ) – model XL5 Voice Activity Detection (VAD) – model GENERIC_3 and SID4_XL5 Speech Quality Estimation (SQE) Time Analysis Extraction (TAE) Waveform Denoiser (DENOISER) Phonexia Browser example audio (in ./BROWSER/example/ and ./SPE/bsapi/{technology}/example/) Step #2 – First start To get…