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Download Voice Inspector 4

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Step #1 – Download the package

This package allows new users to try and evaluate Phonexia Voice Inspector.


Phonexia Voice Inspector 4.0.4 for Windows 64-bit 195 MB


Phonexia Voice Inspector 4.0.4 for Linux 64-bit 176 MB

    The package contains the following components, technologies & models

      • VIN application (graphical user interface, GUI) with the following technologies in-build
        • Speaker Identification (SID4_L4)
        • Speaker Diarization (DIAR)
        • Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
        • Speech Quality Estimator (SQE)
        • Phoneme Recogniser (PHNREC)
      • example population sets and audio (in ./examples/) and example report templates (in ./templates/)

    Hardware requirements

      • minimum – CPU: Intel® Core™ i5, RAM: 4 GB, Required HDD space: 0.5 GB for software installation and additional space for data storage.
      • recommended – CPU: Intel® Core™ i7 or better, RAM: 8 GB, Required HDD space: 0.5 GB for software installation and additional space for data storage.

    Step #2 – First start

      1. Ensure you have obtained a license (license.dat).
        To obtain an evaluation license, contact your Phonexia sales manager, or ask at [email protected]).
      2. Unzip the downloaded package (ZIP) to a location of your choice (e.g. ~/PhonexiaVIN/).
      3. Save the license.dat file to the root of your Voice Inspector directory (e.g. ~/PhonexiaVIN/).
      4. Run ./VoiceInspector (Linux) / VoiceInspector.exe (Windows).
      5. Set up wizard will be launched automatically and help you with the first launch.
      6. You can use example data included in the ZIP package (located in ./examples/).

    Step #3 – Check Documentation and Tutorials

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