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Understand SPE home directory

SPE home directory is an analogy of user home directory in operating systems (e.g. /home/ in *nix, /Users/ in macOS or Windows, etc.) – it is the place where SPE stores data for users configured in SPE. Default SPE home directory location is {SPE_installation_directory}/home/. This location can be changed using server.user.home setting in SPE configuration file. Changing the home…

SPE and Browser installation: embedded SPE

…PhxBrowser (on Linux) You should see following the information window. Click OK to start the configuration.  (You can later come back to alter the configuration by going to the Settings -> Speech Engine tab) In the Settings dialog, on the Speech Engine tab, Enable all the technologies and hit Apply. Make sure to hit Apply to apply the changes and…

Video – Getting started with SPE

MODULE 1: Getting started with Speech Engine (19 min) Installation Technologies configuration Server and database configuration Users configuration Files processing Synchronous and asynchronous requests, results polling Stream processing…

Measuring of a software processing speed – what is the FtRT (Faster than Real Time)

configurations. And vice versa – using the same metric, you can compare software from different vendors on the same HW configuration and for the same processing task. We recognize two measurable metrics: Audio based FtRT is calculated from actual audio in its original form, i.e. containing parts with spoken speech and also parts with silence or other non-speech signal (background…

Key Features (PSP)

Phonexia Speech Platform is provided as a set of several components: The Speech Engine (SPE) component is a REST API that includes technologies for the automated processing of audio files and audio streams. This component is usually provided in a specific configuration that meets the customer’s use case. The Phonexia Browser component is an expert-level application (on the top of…

Get better support

…information. It will help both of our parties to provide fastest and most efficient technical support to your customer: Issue data – required: LOG files or Console output from failed speech technology (for the command line) – usually in ./log/ directory) configuration files (technologies.xml from SPE is minimum) – usually in ./settings/ directory licensing file (license.dat) – usually along the…

SID: Speaker Identification: Results Enhancement

…(Least Recently Used cache) Configurable: via server.audio_source_profiles_cache_size in The value represents the number of profiles that can be stored in the cache (use to turn off) Default Value: 64 profiles Each profile in the SPE is loaded from disk into memory only once (until the cache capacity is reached) and then it is stored in the cache. If the…

SID4 performance on Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8124M

…we can see above, it’s clear that this measurement shows that the performance curve is nicely raising up to 8 SID4 instances which run on 8 physical cores. There is visible small performance drop between configuration where 1 SID4 instance runs on 8 physical cores until 8 SID4 instances run on 8 physical cores, displayed in Figure 2. Hyperthreading? When…

Understand SPE benchmark

…use the benchmark to compare performance of new SPE version, new technology generation, or different technology model, on the same HW configuration… and so on. Running benchmark Benchmark can be run in two ways: by calling …/benchmark endpoint as documented by calling …/benchmark endpoint as documented, with additional path parameter The first option uses set of audio files supplied with…

Installation of Phonexia Browser

…software is distributed as a ZIP file. Installation procedure is as simple as: unzip the archive paste additional KWS, STT… models paste the license.dat file to the root directory where you have BROWSER folder and run_browser(.exe) script run the run_browser(.exe) script start the PhxBrowser(.exe) software configure the technologies, IP addresses, ports. etc The following video shows PhxBrowser v3 installation.…

Q: How to fix the Error 1013: Unsupported: Server does not support authentication with token?

A: Please check SPE subdirectory ./settings for configuration files. If only exists, then your Browser uses SPE as embedded component and set inside the file this directive: server.enable_authentication_token = false In that case you can still use SPE with Basic HTTP authentication, as described in documentation, section “Basic authentication“ If you would like to play with “pure” daemon installation,…

Q: What are the supported audio formats?

configured do this conversion automatically in background, see Understand SPE audio converter article. Great tools for converting other than supported formats to supported are FFmpeg ( or SoX ( Both are multiplatform software tools for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Apple OS X. Example of usage: FFmpeg ffmpeg -i <source_audio_file_name> <output_audio_base_name>.wav This command converts any supported format/codec audio file to normalized…

Understand SPE processing priority

…enabled in SPE configuration file (enabled by default, see server.task_priorities_enable option) and default priority value set the prioritize role enabled for SPE user creating the processing task If prioritization is enabled and processing task is started by a user without the “prioritize” role, task is started with default priority. Task priority is defined by a number from (highest priority) to…