Voice Verify
Phonexia Voice Verify solution provides a cutting-edge voice verification API designed with contact centers in mind. It brings enhanced security of voice interactions and significantly reduced call handling time without compromising user experience.
To understand the process behind the implementation of voice biometrics in call centers and to learn about the possibilities how to expand your business with voice authentication easily, please download The Essential Guide to Implementing Voice Authentication in Call Centers whitepaper by Matt Smallman.
Partner Portal
This Partner Portal provides a compact overview of Voice Verify solution, advice and recommendations which build upon the basic information provided in Voice Verify webpage and via our communication.
Get in touch
In case you have any additional questions, comments or feedback with regards to Voice Verify or to this partner portal, feel free to reach out to any of your contacts in Phonexia s.r.o., visit phonexia.com or contact us at [email protected]. For technical assistance please visit our support portal.
Third party software acknowledgements
Voice Verify utilises third party components to ensure the best possible performance. The complete list of all third party tools for all Phonexia technologies and solutions can be found in the Speech Platform partner portal. You can view the list here.
How to try (1 Article)
There are several options to experience and test our technologies.
- Web browser based application Voice Verify DEMO
- On-premise or cloud-based Voice Verify evaluation package
The complete summary of all the testing possibilities can be found here:
Testing possibilities -
Documentation (3 Articles)
Voice Verify is designed for the following voice inputs:
- SIP calls with voice transferred via RTP streams
- HTTP streams
- WebSocket streams
Voice Verify expects to receive customer’s voice only. This requires forking of the call stream and can be achieved via SIPREC or some other means.
Once the call is received, it is processed with Speaker Identification voice biometric technology. It can be either enrolled or verified against previously saved voiceprint. The results are provided via RESTful API.
Additional info and latest technical documentation including hardware requirements can be found here.
Pricing, PoC (2 Articles)
This section of the Partner Portal provides an overview of the pricing structure and discuss specifics of the pricing model. We understand that the future is hard to predict, therefore we created a volume-base tiered pricing model which will automatically adjust to your needs as you go.
The implementation of Voice Verify more often than not includes the change of internal processes of the customer. This section provides a comprehensive list of things to think of before putting Voice Verify into production. It describes what are the necessary steps on the road to production and how the PoC can be run and evaluated.
Technology (3 Articles)
1 Article