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Understand SPE executable files

…– Transfer data from REST SERVER v2 to Speech Engine v3. Requires also v2-properties and v2-cwd parameters. v2-properties=<file> – Path to REST SERVER v2 configuration file v2-cwd=<path> – Path to REST SERVER v2 working directory. Usually a path to REST SERVER v2 bin directory. phxadmin2 phxadmin2 is automation- and scripting-friendly command line based SPE administration utility for user management,…

Understand SPE directory structure

…user preconfigured by default, so directories for admin user are present by default. Location of home directory can be modified using server.user.home option in SPE configuration file. This might be useful in complex network infrastructure, multi-SPE deployments, and similar advanced configurations. home └── admin ├── storage └── data The storage directory holds audio files uploaded to SPE via REST API…

Understand SPE database

…by server.identifier or server.logging.database.identifier configuration settings (see SPE configuration file explained for details) ProcessId numeric PID of the process which created the log record Thread identifier of thread which created the log record ThreadId numeric ID of thread which created the log record Priority priority of the operation which created the log record Text raw log text as it would…

FAQs (Browser)

…directly and natively are: WAVE (*.wav) container including any of: unsigned 8-bit PCM (u8) unsigned 16-bit PCM (u16le) IEEE float 32-bit (f32le) A-law (alaw) µ-law (mulaw) ADPCM FLAC codec inside FLAC (*.flac) container OPUS codec inside OGG (*.opus) container Other audio formats must be converted to one of those natively supported using external tools. SPE server can be configured do…

Understand SPE processing queue

…can be handled simultaneously is defined by server.n_workers for audio files processing and server.n_realtime_workers for realtime streams processing settings in SPE configuration file. This is by default set automatically, based on your hardware and software configuration – see How to configure Speech Engine workers article. The picture below demonstrates the queue processing (for the sake of simplicity, technologies assignments to…

Adding new language or technology model (Browser)

…on the SPE server -> Server Info. You should see the output similar to this: Please share this SPE version number with your Phonexia contact/or through support ticket (in the above example 3.50.5) . Installation of new models In our example, we will install Spanish (ES_6) model of Speech to Text and Keyword Spotting (with Phoneme Recognizer) into existing installation…

Phonexia Speech Engine

…file to configure server and optionally database Optionally, run phxadmin –add-user in console to configure user account(s) to access the REST API (or use pre-configured user admin) Finally, run phxspe in console to start Speech Engine Now your SPE server is running and you can access the REST API via IP address and port set in properties file (settings/ Details…

Open Source Acknowledgement

…Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception path MIT start-server-and-test MIT url-loader MIT wavesurfer.js BSD-3-Clause webpack MIT webpack-cli MIT webpack-dev-server MIT Phonexia Commons dependencies (Java library with general functionality used across Java projects) Name License Apache Commons IO Apache License, Version 2.0 Avaitility Apache License, Version 2.0 Guava Apache License, Version 2.0 REST Assured Apache License, Version 2.0 elasticsearch-rest-high-level Apache License, Version 2.0 SnakeYAML…

Key Features (PSP)

…the Speech Engine) with a graphical user interface for advanced evaluation. The Reporting and Licensing Server (RLS) component is dedicated to limiting the capacities as purchased by a customer (if it is an on-premises deployment without access to the internet) or gathering and calculating the pay-as-you-go amount (if it is a deployment with access to the internet). Speech Technologies Available…

Release Notes

…SPE. Removed Workflow An example of a workflow (pipeline) processing app, written in JAVA, on top of SPE. Removed REST Server An old REST server (from v2.x.x to v3.2.x, the SPE predecessor) Removed JAVA Wrapper JAVA wrapper on top of the C++ API Removed Note: There is no impact on the Speech Engine (SPE, REST API).   Known Issues There…

SPE and Browser installation: embedded SPE

…then  Restart the server in order to initiate the SPE server with the predefined technologies. Optional: Add more instances of either technology, for faster processing. Depending on your HW, select the number of instances, making sure to not go over 50% of your RAM. Always remember to hit Apply and Restart server to push the changes 5. Optional: configure the…

Speech Engine update

…technology models configuration usually introduces new features or major fixes, which may change communication between server and client, or other changes which may affect customer processes can also include new technology models; with such update you can add only the new technology, without SPE installation Upgrade changes the first version number (e.g. x.y.z to x+1) and is a major change…

SID: Speaker Identification: Results Enhancement

…(Least Recently Used cache) Configurable: via server.audio_source_profiles_cache_size in The value represents the number of profiles that can be stored in the cache (use to turn off) Default Value: 64 profiles Each profile in the SPE is loaded from disk into memory only once (until the cache capacity is reached) and then it is stored in the cache. If the…

Understand SPE database scripts

…intended to be used manually, e.g. from phpMyAdmin, or from MariaDB/MySQL command line client. The reason for having to execute the scripts manually is that in typical setups SPE does not have complete control over the MariaDB/MySQL database – the database is typically hosted on a separate databse server, SPE is typically only one of many other applications using the…