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Speech to Text (STT)

…is done with some aim. It might be training of new model, or only for measurement of quality. Data processing before measurement Data as an output from speech transcription, before application of NLP process, will include pure transcription of the recording. On the other hand annotation can contain symbols which will never be output from speech transcription system. Numbers: transcription…

STT: What is Preferred Phrases feature and how to use it

NLP layer failed to detect the correct intent (i.e. where the intent was either identified incorrectly, or was not detected at all). Such utterances should be ideally manually analyzed, i.e. the transcription sent to the intent detector should be compared with the voicebot dialogue audio recording and the actual problematic part of the utterance (problematic phrase) should be identified. The…

STT: What is Words-To-Numbers feature and how to use it

…point zero three ⇒ 1586.03 sixty four million seven hundred thousand ninety ⇒ 64700090 This should help to simplify processing of the transcribed texts by text analytic layers or NLP (Natural Language Processing) engines, e.g. in voicebot applications. Where is the converted output available? The words to numbers conversion is available only in n-best output (i.e. where the entire sentence…