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17 results

Understand SPE audio converter

…can’t be converted: Converter is disabled 2021-01-30 20:59:52 [Trace] ConverterSubsystem: Removed temporary file: C:\TMP\tmp11452aaaaaa 2021-01-30 20:59:52 [Error] Rest.Object.AudioFile: [RID=2] REST error: (1007) Unsupported audio format 2021-01-30 20:59:52 [Trace] Rest.Object.AudioFile: [RID=2] Response HTTP: 415 RESTError: 1007 JSON response (error) ===================== { “result” : { “version” : 2, “name” : “ErrorResult”, “code” : 1007, “message” : “(1007) Unsupported audio format” } }…

Understand SPE technologies, instances and workers

…for. Staffing the post office should be then done accordingly – ideally, there should be enough workers to allow having all counter desks open all the time. File processing workers cannot process realtime streams, and vice versa. Configuration of Speech Engine workers should be then done accordingly – ideally, there should be enough workers of each type to allow processing…