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Open Source Acknowledgement

This page collects information about Third party Open Source code and licenses.

BSAPI3 updated dependencies
Library License
ADVobfuscator Copyright: 2010-2017 Sebastien Andrivet
blaze BSD-3-Clause
boost BSL-1.0
botan BSD-2-Clause
bzip2 bzip2-1.0.8
cpp-httplib MIT
dlfcn-win32 (Windows only) LGPL
duktape MIT (link)
flac BSD-style license
fmt MIT
gsl-lite MIT
libbacktrace (Linux only) BSD-3-Clause
minizip Zlib
mkl freeware under ISSL (Intel Simplified Software License) link
mman-win32 (Windows only) MIT
ogg BSD-style license
onnxruntime MIT, link
openfst Apache License
openssl OpenSSL
opus BSD
range-v3 BSL-1.0
scnlib Apache License 2.0
spdlog MIT
speex revised BSD license
speexdsp BSD
utfcpp BSL-1.0
zlib Zlib
stdlibc++, libgcc, libwinpthread (Windows only) GNU GPL with GCC Runtime Library Exception, link
SPE dependencies
Name License
ADVobfuscator GitHub – andrivet/ADVobfuscator: Obfuscation library based on C++11/14 and metaprogramming Copyright: 2010-2017 Sebastien Andrivet
blaze BSD-3-Clause
boost BSL-1.0
botan BSD-2-Clause
bzip2 bzip2-1.0.8
cpp-httplib MIT
dlfcn-win32 (Windows only) LGPL
duktape MIT ( – Connect your Github account
flac BSD-style license
fmt MIT
gsl-lite MIT
libbacktrace (Linux only) BSD-3-Clause
libcpuid GitHub – anrieff/libcpuid: a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction
mariadb-connector-c LGPL-2.1-or-later
minizip Zlib
mkl freeware under ISSL (Intel Simplified Software License): End User License Agreements
mman-win32 (Windows only) MIT
ogg BSD-style license
onnxruntime MIT, onnxruntime/LICENSE at main · microsoft/onnxruntime Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation
openfst Apache License
openssl OpenSSL
opus BSD
poco The Boost Software License 1.0
pugixml MIT
range-v3 BSL-1.0
rapidjson MIT
scnlib Apache License 2.0
spdlog MIT
speex revised BSD license
speexdsp BSD
stdlibc++, libgcc, libwinpthread (Windows only) GNU GPL with GCC Runtime Library Exception: License
utfcpp BSL-1.0
xxhash-cpp – Connect your Github account BSD-2 Copyright: 2012-2020: Yann Collet, 2017-2020: Red Gavin
zlib Zlib
Phonexia BROWSER and Voice Inspector dependencies
Library License
ADVobfuscator GitHub – andrivet/ADVobfuscator
BaseMatrixOps Apache License
blaze BSD-3-Clause
boost BSL-1.0
botan BSD-2-Clause
bzip2 bzip2-1.0.8
cpp-httplib MIT
dlfcn-win32 (Windows only) LGPL
duktape MIT (link)
eigen MPL
flac BSD-style license
fmt MIT
gsl-lite MIT
libbacktrace (Linux only) BSD-3-Clause
minizip Zlib
mkl freeware under ISSL (Intel Simplified Software License)
mman-win32 (Windows only) MIT
ogg BSD-style license
onnxruntime MIT, onnxruntime/LICENSE at main
openfst Apache License
optim Apache license
opus BSD
portaudio PortAudio – an Open-Source Cross-Platform Audio API
range-v3 BSL-1.0
rapidjson MIT
scnlib Apache License 2.0
spdlog MIT
speex revised BSD license
speexdsp BSD
turtle BSL-1.0
utfcpp BSL-1.0
QCustomPlot Phonexia contracted license
zlib Zlib
stdlibc++, libgcc, libwinpthread (Windows only) GNU GPL with GCC Runtime Library Exception
SIP connector
Name License
boost BSL-1.0
bzip2 bzip2-1.0.8
cpprestsdk MIT
fmt MIT
libbacktrace (Linux only) BSD-3-Clause
libre BSD
openssl OpenSSL
toml11 MIT
websocketpp BSD-3-Clause
zlib Zlib
RLS server
Name License
 ADVobfuscator Copyright: 2010-2017 Sebastien Andrivet
Poco BSL-1.0
boost BSL-1.0
bzip2 bzip2-1.0.8
cpp-httplib MIT
fmt MIT
 mariadb-connector-c LGPL 2.1
libre BSD
openssl OpenSSL
rapidjson MIT
scnlib Apache License 2.0
spdlog MIT
zlib Zlib
Annotation Tool dependencies
Name License
Apache Commons Lang (commons-lang3) Apache License, Version 2.0
Java Servlet API (javax.servlet-api) CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
Lombok MIT
postgresql BSD-2-Clause
Spring Boot Starter Validation Apache License, Version 2.0
spring-context Apache License, Version 2.0
spring-webmvc Apache License, Version 2.0
wicket-webjars Apache License, Version 2.0
GUI player
Name License
@babel/core MIT
@babel/preset-env MIT
@babel/register MIT
chai MIT
css-loader MIT
cypress MIT
html-webpack-plugin MIT
license-checker BSD-3-Clause
license-webpack-plugin ISC
mini-css-extract-plugin MIT
mocha MIT
mousetrap Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
path MIT
start-server-and-test MIT
url-loader MIT
wavesurfer.js BSD-3-Clause
webpack MIT
webpack-cli MIT
webpack-dev-server MIT
Phonexia Commons dependencies

(Java library with general functionality used across Java projects)

Name License
Apache Commons IO Apache License, Version 2.0
Avaitility Apache License, Version 2.0
Guava Apache License, Version 2.0
REST Assured Apache License, Version 2.0
elasticsearch-rest-high-level Apache License, Version 2.0
SnakeYAML Apache License, Version 2.0
Spring Beans Apache License, Version 2.0
Spring Boot AutoConfigure Apache License, Version 2.0
Spring Boot Test Starter Apache License, Version 2.0
Spring Boot Json Starter Apache License, Version 2.0
Spring Boot Json Starter Apache License, Version 2.0
Spring Context Apache License, Version 2.0
Project Lombok MIT