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Understand SPE configuration file

…Below you can find detailed description of all SPE configuration settings, together with some usage tips. Table of Contents Toggle Generic settings server.bind_ip, server.port server.identifier server.umask Paths, locations server.user.home bsapi.path server.shared.path technologies.configuration server.license Logging server.logging.level server.logging.destination server.logging.file server.logging.file.rotation server.logging.file.purge_count server.logging.enable_async server.logging.database.identifier Initialization server.require_all_configured_technologies server.technology_multithread_initialization server.technology_multithread_initialization.n_threads Database server.db.save_results server.db.engine server.db.sqlite.data_source, server.db.mariadb.port server.db.mariadb.db, server.db.mariadb.user, server.db.mariadb.password server.db.mariadb.options, server.db.mariadb.max_connections Audio Source Profile server.audio_source_profiles_cache_size…

Understand SPE configuration

…It may increase speed of logging but in case of server crash or if server is killed, # some logs may be lost. Default is false. server.logging.enable_async = false # Name of server used in log. If it is not specified hostname is used instead. #server.logging.database.identifier = spe # Set set umask value for server (Linux only) # server.umask =…

Releases and Changelogs (SPE)

…2016-02-09 2017-08-09 3.1 Public 2.1 2015-09-16 2017-09-16 2017-09-16 Public 2.0 2015-01-06 2016-07-06 2.1 Public Changelogs Speech Engine 3.61 (Public release) Speech Engine 3.61.0, DB v1901, BSAPI 3.61.0 (2024-03-27) New: Added endpoints /server/restart and /server/shutdown to restart/shutdown the server New: Added endpoint POST /technologies to configure technologies on server New: Added show_all parameter to GET /technologies endpoint, to return all technologies…

Q: Which authentication options are allowed by the server and how does it work?

…If server responds with error 405, server doesn’t support authorization by sessions and it is necessary to use basic authorization. Authorization by session – Authorization by session is done by adding parameter “X-SessionID“ into HTTP header to each query. Basic Authorization is done by HTTP standard in header of each query for the server. You can set this in ./settings/…

Q: How to fix the Error 1013: Unsupported: Server does not support authentication with token?

A: Please check SPE subdirectory ./settings for configuration files. If only exists, then your Browser uses SPE as embedded component and set inside the file this directive: server.enable_authentication_token = false In that case you can still use SPE with Basic HTTP authentication, as described in documentation, section “Basic authentication“ If you would like to play with “pure” daemon installation,…

Q: How to choose answer format from server (xml/json)?

A: Via HTTP header “Accept” parameter (application/json; application/xml) Via request query “format=json/xml” If the format is not defined (or the HTTP header “Accept” parameter has one of these values: application/*,*/*,*), server will return json….

I get “Server failed to return a valid response” on login page

This error usually happens when you try to access Orbis before it has been fully initialized. When you start Orbis virtual machine, the Webserver component responsible for rendering login screen starts fast, but some other Orbis components takes a little longer to initialize. Try to wait for a while, then refresh the page and try again. If that doesn’t help,…

Q: I am getting SPE related error after starting the Browser (e.g. SPE server crashed, Error Downloading…, unable to connect to the SPE server, unable to start the localhost…)

A: Windows: Open terminal in folder where PhxBrowser.exe is located (hold Shift and click right mouse button in free space in windows explorer and select “open command window here”) Run PhxBrowser software with command: PhxBrowser.exe /spe-debug /spe-output PhxBrowser software will start with “SPE output” tab which shows the debug output of SPE Linux: Run PhxBrowser software in terminal with command:…

Licensing (technical details)

…license is specified by the USE_SERVER line in license file. The only requirement of this license is Internet connectivity to the address specified on SERVER… line (by default it’s Phonexia license server at This means that by definition, the license will not work if there is Internet connectivity issue between the source machine and Phonexia servers, e.g. connection blocked…


…query “format=json/xml” If the format is not defined (or the HTTP header “Accept” parameter has one of these values: application/*,*/*,*), server will return json. in FAQ Speech Platform Permalink Q: I am getting SPE related error after starting the Browser (e.g. SPE server crashed, Error Downloading…, unable to connect to the SPE server, unable to start the localhost…) A: Windows:…

Releases and Changelogs (Browser)

…storage, speaker model and calibration sets Basic support for MLF files in Waveform Editor (only by Drag&Drop) Added Age Estimator technology Added enable/disable all technologies and technology models in REST tab in settings dialog Added server load statistics dialog Added administration dialog (user management, server licences status) – only for administrators Added validation of graphemes when creating new keyword Added…

Q: How do I get results for a pending operation?

A: If server responds on pending request by status 200 – OK, the body of the response will have the result inside (server already has the result in cache memory and there is no need to process the file again). If server responds on pending request by status 202 – Accepted, server will create task and server will begin to…

Understand SPE workers configuration

…the maximum number of simultaneously running tasks. # Multithread settings server.n_workers = 8 server.n_realtime_workers = 8 Requests for additional file processing tasks are put in a queue and processed according their order and priorities. Requests for additional stream processing tasks are refused with HTTP status 403 (the realtime nature of stream processing does not allow any queuing). File processing can…

SPE and Browser installation: standalone SPE

…next dialog fill the information and press ok: Server Name: Friendly name, under which this server will appear in Sources pane in Browser. Network: location of your server. If you are running the server locally, use ““ Authentication: SPE default username is admin with password phonexia. (Note: For security reasons, we recommend changing the password to “admin” user, or creating…