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Search: results explained

7 results

STT: Results explained

…transcription is started using result_mode=incremental parameter in the request. In this mode, each request for transcription results returns only changes since the last request for results. In incremental mode, the received results may correct results received previously, e.g. when one request was sent in a middle of a word, the next request contains a correction, i.e. the correct entire word….

KWS: Results explained

…file article for more details. Example of user configuration file: [score_calib:SKeywordScoreCalibrationI] confidence_shift=0.0 confidence_sharpness=0.3 Results Keyword Spotting results contain list of detected keywords, each keyword with a start- and end time of the time slot where keyword was detected, and a score and confidence. Keyword is listed in the results with a numeric suffix. This number is a 0-based index of…

Releases and Changelogs (SPE)

…faster detection of barge-in, e.g. in voicebot application New: All 5th generation STT models now use Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Confusion Network construction Confusion Network results now contain precise start- and end times for each individual alternative word New: KWS confidence value calculation can be modified using confidence_shift and confidence_sharpness values (see KWS results explained article for more details) New:…

Understand SPE database

results JSON data rest_result_gid GID processing results – file, used technology model, results JSON data rest_result_kws KWS processing results – file, used technology model, used keyword list, results JSON data rest_result_lid LID processing results – file, used technology model, used language pack, results JSON data rest_result_phnrec PHNREC processing results – file, used technology model, results JSON data rest_result_sid SID processing…

Understand SPE configuration file

…of technologies in database server.db.save_results = true Controls whether processing results are cached in the SPE database. Results caching is enabled by default. If results caching is enabled, result of processing by each technology is saved to database for each file. Repeated request for processing the same file using the same technology, model, etc. then simply returns the cached result,…

Keyword Spotting (KWS)

…the fact that it’s set on confidence, which is recalculated from raw score using a sigmoid function. It’s strongly recommended to check details in Keyword Spotting results explained article. Keyword list example Here you can see an example of keyword list in JSON format for Speech Engine. a contract keyword, which is enabled (i.e. will be included in search), not…

Understand SPE processing queue

…their priority (see Task prioritization section in REST API documentation and also Understanding SPE processing priority article); handling tasks with identical priority follows the FIFO principle. Tasks are picked up from the queue and handled by workers (which allocate instances of technologies for processing – see Speech Engine and technologies, instances, workers… explained for more details). Number of tasks which…