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Understand SPE configuration file

…server.bsapi_comparator_fa_cache_size Runtime server.enable_authentication_token server.enable_resource_locker server.upload_max_filesize server.max_metadata_size server.tcp.queue server.tcp.threads server.cors_enable Tasks server.n_workers, server.n_realtime_workers server.n_task_limit server.task_priorities_enable server.task_default_priority server.finished_task_timeout Streams stream.http.enable input_stream.http.timeout stream.websocket.enable input_stream.websocket.max_payload_size stream.rtp.enable stream.rtp.bind_ip stream.rtp.min_port, stream.rtp.max_port input_stream.rtp.stream_limit input_stream.rtp.timeout output_stream.rtp.timeout Audio formats server.audio_formats.opus.enabled server.audio_formats.flac.enabled audio_converter.enabled audio_converter.command Reporting reporting.urls reporting.ssl.enabled reporting.ssl.ca_file reporting.ssl.certificate_file reporting.ssl.private_key_file reporting.ssl.private_key_password reporting.ssl.cipher_list External external.technologies.tts_connectors Generic settings server.bind_ip, server.port # IP address and port for server listening server.bind_ip = server.port…

Releases and Changelogs (SPE)

…(10/23/2017) – BSAPI 3.13.0 [#5138] Fixed capital letters in file suffix may cause errors if the file is registered [#5090] Fixed PHNREC may return error for some audio files [#5043] Fixed utils resources allow to create file without suffix. Suffix “.wav” is automatically added if the file has no suffix Speech Engine 3.9.2 (09/08/2017) – BSAPI 3.13.0 [#4899] Fixed possible

Understand SPE executable files

…See POST /audiofile endpoint documentation for details. phxclient: example 2 phxclient /login=admin /password=phonexia /method=GET /uri=”,n_best&cache_disable=true” ./phxclient –login=admin –password=phonexia –method=GET –uri=”,n_best&cache_disable=true” Process myfile.wav file stored in the root of SPE internal storage – e.g. uploaded using the previous example – using the Speech To Text (STT) technology model EN_US_6 (6th generation English), returning one_best and n_best result types, and disabling any…

Releases and Changelogs (Browser)

…for REST 3.1.x Removed clear results from context menu in test table Removed export results from context menu in test table Removed settings for gender score sharpness and gender balance Removed result database Technologies has configurable technology models New configuration tab in settings dialog for configuring REST technologies Add speech to text (STT) technology to main toolbar and result table

Release Notes

…and fixes Speech Engine: General Reduced RAM consumption (since 3.58.0) RAM consumption can be up to several gigabytes lower, depending on technologies configuration and processed audio. This is mainly visible in Speech To Text when processing many audios or longer audios (or both). The effect may be less visible in other technologies. Fixed issues with non-ASCII / Unicode file names…

Understand SPE technologies configuration file

…or phxadmin2. The resulting configuration is then stored in technologies.xml configuration file, placed in SPE settings directory. SPE reads this configuration file during startup and initializes the technologies instances according to the information in the file. The file has very simple structure and can be also created or modified using any plaintext edtor, or programmatically. Example The below example shows…

Releases and Changelogs (VIN)

…the act and the Conclusion of the case can be edited from the case information table. Improved: Copying from chart values table is enhanced – added header to copied data, added Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut to copy table data. Improved: Report template is enhanced for all included languages – improved report layout, easier CSS styling via style.css, added new report variables…

What is User configuration file and how to use it

…working state. User configuration files provide a way to override processing parameters without modifying original BSAPI configuration files. WARNING: Inappropriate configuration changes may cause serious issues! Make sure you really know what you are doing. User configuration file is a plain text file with the same name as main configuration file, with additional extension .usr. For example: Main configuration file

Understand SPE configuration

…server.port = 8600 # Server logging # Level (trace, debug, information, warning, error, fatal) server.logging.level = information # Destination (console, file, database) # Logging to database is supported only for MySQL server.logging.destination = file # Path to file where log is stored server.logging.file = ${application.dir}log/phxspe.log Did you notice the server.logging.file directive? They present the first example of using variables in…

Arabic dialects in Phonexia LID and STT

…for each – North Levantine (apc) and South Levantine (ajp). Our models were trained using data from both varieties, therefore we followed RFC 5646, section 2.2.4 and created custom language code ar-XL, where the XL means “cross-Levantine” 😉 NOTE: To get the best STT results, use the model that corresponds to given dialect. The AR_XL_* model is best suitable for…

Understand SPE metafiles

…can store whichever type of data would help your application. The files are physically stored in the SPE user’s “home”, in data subdirectory (see Understanding SPE home directory article for details). Maximum size of single metafile can be set using server.max_metadata_size setting in SPE cofiguration file. Example As an example, the picture below shows how Phonexia Browser uses SPE metafiles…

Support Lifecycle Policy (PSP)

General Lifecycle of Phonexia products is driven by Phonexia Product Support and Lifecycle Policy (valid from Q3/2019). Content of our support and software versioning approach is defined as well in this document. Specific versions of our products and languages are supported and maintained according to following tables. Phonexia Speech Engine Version Release Date End of Support Maintained Until Release type…


…configuration for ffmpg: # Set converter command # %1 is for input file # %2 is for output file ffmpeg example: audio_converter.command = ffmpeg -loglevel warning -y -i %1 %2 # sox example: # audio_converter.command = sox %1 %2 Important note: By design and saving computing resources ‘audio converter’ is not used if INPUT file ends with the extension .wav….

Terms of Service

…you are considered a Member regardless of whether you subsequently use the PHONEXIA service. 1.3. Legal Age & Contractual Capacity. All Services are provided by PHONEXIA for use by an individual or entity legally capable of entering into a legally binding contract with PHONEXIA. Acceptance of the Agreement represents admission of authorization of legal age, signatory capacity and that all…