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Understand SPE configuration file

…to change the bsapi.path described above. technologies.configuration # Path to technologies configuration technologies.configuration = ${application.dir}settings/technologies.xml Location of technologies configuration XML file. Defaults to technologies.xml file in settings subdirectory of SPE application directory. The technologies.xml file contains configuration of SPE technologies – which technologies should be initialized, their technological models and number of their instances. The file can be created and…

Releases and Changelogs (SPE)

…start (server.require_all_configured_technologies) Fixed: Random SIGSEGV crashes in CS_CZ_5 STT Fixed: KWS CS_CZ_5 ingnores keyword thresholds Fixed: Duplicated output from KWS Fixed: KWS online configurations for models CS_CZ_5 and NL_NL_5 Fixed: phxadmin increases number of instances in configuration instead of setting it Fixed: phxclient is streaming slower than expected Fixed: Redefinition of block in used configuration causes segmentation faults NOTE: Due…

Understand SPE configuration

Basic configuration SPE configuration by default is defined in the file {spe_root}/settings/ This file is automatically created after running the phxadmin utility for the first time, usually used for initial configuration of the system. Otherwise it can be found in {spe_root}/data/ from which the actual configuration file may be populated and renamed manually. The format of the configuration file is…

Understand SPE directory structure

…useful in complex network infrastructure, multi-SPE deployments, and similar advanced configurations. log ├── phxspe.log └── phxspe.browser.log settings settings directory contains SPE configuration file and technologies configuration file technologies.xml. Optionally, there might be also a and technologies.json files present. These are configuration files created by SPE when it’s started by Phonexia Browser in so-called “embedded” mode. Refer to Phonexia…

Understand SPE technologies configuration file

…of XL4 model <?xml version=”1.0″?> <technology_subsystem_settings> <technologies> <item> <name>STT</name> <models> <item> <name>SK_SK_5</name> <n_instances>8</n_instances> <config_file /> </item> </models> </item> <item> <name>STT_STREAM</name> <models> <item> <name>CS_CZ_6</name> <n_instances>2</n_instances> <config_file /> </item> </models> </item> <item> <name>SID4E</name> <models> <item> <name>L4</name> <n_instances>2</n_instances> <config_file /> </item> <item> <name>XL4</name> <n_instances>3</n_instances> <config_file /> </item> </models> </item> <item> <name>SID4C</name> <models> <item> <name>L4</name> <n_instances>2</n_instances> <config_file /> </item> <item> <name>XL4</name> <n_instances>3</n_instances> <config_file />

What is User configuration file and how to use it

…working state. User configuration files provide a way to override processing parameters without modifying original BSAPI configuration files. WARNING: Inappropriate configuration changes may cause serious issues! Make sure you really know what you are doing. User configuration file is a plain text file with the same name as main configuration file, with additional extension .usr. For example: Main configuration file…

Understand SPE workers configuration

Worker is a working thread performing the actual files- or realtime streams processing in Speech Engine. This article helps to understand the Speech Engine workers and provides information how to configure workers for optimal performance and server utilization. Starting from SPE 3.51, new defaults in settings/ make SPE to configure workers automatically according to local conditions (physical CPU cores, configured

Understand SPE database

…kept in the database at all. Supported databases SPE supports SQLite and MariaDB 10.x (SPE 3.46+) MySQL 5.x (SPE up to 3.45) database engine. The database engine is configured in SPE configuration file – see the Database section of SPE configuration file article for more details. SQLite SQLite is the out-of-the-box SPE default database type. By its nature, SQLite…

Understand SPE executable files

…Edit existing user account delete-user – Remove existing user account show-user – Show information about existing user account list-users – List all existing user accounts Technologies configuration configure-tech – Run technologies configuration wizard, which creates technologies configuration file available-tech=<file> – Create technologies configuration file containing ALL available technologies and technology models. File extension determines resulting file format (XML or JSON)….

STT: Configuring word detection parameters for stream transcription

…be modified using a “user configuration file” – see What is a user configuration file article for additional details. In short, create appropriately named user config file with modified parameters along the standard config file in <SPE directory>/bsapi/stt/settings directory and restart SPE – it will automatically read the values from the user config and override the ones from standard config….

LID: Terminology and adaptation

…tool which SPE configuration file to use Default Speech Engine configuration file is settings/ However, when using Phonexia Browser in “SPE on localhost” mode (also known as “Embedded SPE”), the configuration file is settings/ (Make sure to use the right configuration file, otherwise you might register the language pack to different configuration and therefore it won’t be visible where you…


…for audio automated conversion. As prerequisite install external tool for audio conversion. Recommend is ffmpeg utility, powerful and well documented. Please find your distribution package at Then continue as described below: Using Phonexia Browser with embed SPE Open the Browser configuration dialog by click on button “Settings” located in tool ribbon. Select tab “Speech Engine” and configure SPE as…

SPE and Browser installation: standalone SPE

…package. In other words, merge the contents of the /bsapi/ directory with the /SPE/bsapi/ 4. Configure Speech Engine In order to configure the Speech Engine, we have to navigate to /SPE/ directory and start the configuration utility called phxadmin SPE on Windows In the /SPE/ directory type cmd in the Address bar, to open the Command line. In the command…

Releases and Changelogs (Browser)

…in REST settings Phonexia Browser v3.1.0, BSAPI 3.5.0 – Feb 25 2016 Support for REST 3.1.x Removed clear results from context menu in test table Removed export results from context menu in test table Removed settings for gender score sharpness and gender balance Removed result database Technologies has configurable technology models New configuration tab in settings dialog for configuring REST…

Release Notes

…now displayed by default and gets focused when SPE is started in the background by Browser (since 3.59.0) More detailed debug output is now configurable in Settings dialog and is enabled by default (since 3.59.0) This should help users with tracking down the causes of various issues. The Enable all and Disable all icons in technologies configuration section of Settings…