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Search: STT vs\. STT_STREAM

4 results

Release Notes

…of the existing STT/KWS language (ES_ES_5) to the 6th generation (ES_6). It provides an increased STT word accuracy (WAcc) of up to 95.2 % (an absolute improvement of 27.6 percentage points—model ES_6 vs. ES_ES_5), leading to more precise search results in audio content. Slovak (Slovakia) Model Released (Tech. Model Name: SK_SK_6) It is an upgrade of the existing STT/KWS language…

STT: What is Preferred Phrases feature and how to use it

…e.g. “WiFi” vs. “HiFi”, “cell” vs. “sell”, “eighty machines” vs. “eight tea-machines” etc. Usually, the language model part of the Speech To Text does its job and prefers the correct word in the context of longer phrase or entire sentence: × I’m going to cell my car. Hmmm, such sentence does not sound like common English… √ I’m going to…

STT: Results explained

…machines” vs. “eighty machines”. The technology provides various output types which show only single or multiple transcription alternatives. For processing realtime streams, two result modes are supported – one mode provides complete transcription, second mode provides incremental results. Output types One-best output provides transcription containing only the highest-scoring words N-best output provides multiple alternatives for entire sentences or longer sequences…

Key Features (PSP)

…Packages, Updates vs. Upgrades Our packages follow the bug fix > updates > upgrades approach. The Speech Platform package is available with a typical set of technologies for download here. Some packages are distributed with a limited set of speech technologies or even completely without speech technologies. Find out more information in Packages, Updates vs. Upgrades. You might also want…